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Leave a gift in your Will

Your lasting legacy can save lives.


The Mdzananda Animal Clinic gives the community members of Khayelitsha a bit of a miracle – we take their sick and hurt pets and cure them. We also educate the owners about better ways of looking after their pets and becoming responsible pet owners. At Mdzananda we treat up to 1000 dogs and cats per month! That is a lot of little miracles!

The Mdzananda Animal Clinic is reliant upon the generosity of our kind supporters for funding. In particular we value people leaving a small gift to us in their will. We would like to ask you to consider making a gift or a percentage of your will to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic – of course only after looking after your family and friends. Even if you think it will not be much, you will be amazed at how a small amount can change the lives of animals in need.  Such a gift will make you a guardian angel to the pets of Khayelitsha and allow us to achieve great things long after you have gone.

If you would like to let us know if you have put Mdzananda in your Will, please do so, but it is not necessary. It would just be a nice for us to send you a thank you card as we value each gift very much.

If you do not yet have a Will and need assistance to draw one up we recommend speaking to Gretha van Zyl from Herold Gie Attorneys, one of our volunteers -

Details you may required to leave a legacy:

  • Bank Details: Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, Rondebosch, Account no: 075595710, Branch code: 025009

  • Contact Details: 082 251 0554 / 021 367 6001 /

  • Physical address: 21297 Govan Mbeki Road, Mandela Park, Khayelitsha, Cape Town, SA

  • Postal address: P.O. Box 2768, Clareinch, 7740, Cape Town, SA

  • NPO number: 041-448

  • PBO number: 930 025 436


21297 Govan Mbeki Road Khayelitsha | 021 367 6001 | 068 385 9655

Opening hours: Mon, Wens, Fri - 8 am - 4 pm | Tues, Thurs 9 am - 4 pm | Sat 8 am - 12:30 noon 

Please note: our consultations rooms may close earlier on some days if there are long queues. This is for us to be able to serve everyone in the queue before closing time

After hour emergencies: SPCA 083 326 1604 / Cape Animal Medical Centre - 24 h Private Practice in Kenilworth (full private practice rates will be charged): 021 674 0034

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