Spot stands up after being lame
We are very excited to announce that, with your help, we have raised 7.5% of our ask through online and offline donations towards the Change 12 000 township pets' lives campaign. Thank you for making this possible!
This story of Spot shows how Mdzananda changes lives. We wish to change 12 000 lives next year by raising our goal of $40 000 / R600 000. Let's spread the word to make it happen.
Mrs Lazamo brought Spotty to Mdzananda as she suddenly became lame. Poor spot was admitted and treated and had a very guarded prognosis. She had a severe case of biliary (tick bite fever and other complications of Ehrlichia, also a tick born disease). Ehrlichia compromised her nervous system but luckily she was brought in before it affected her breathing.
It was a very intensive period of treatment as Spot had to be turned at least every two hours, to prevent bed sores and to help with the circulation as she could not move herself. We had to help her go to toilet and she had to be force-fed and was on heavy medication and drips.
Slowly but surely she got better every day, slightly lifting her head up and then the one day after about three week she stood up!! All the staff and vet’s where ecstatic about her improvement. Words can’t describe the owners reaction as she was laughing and in tears at the same time.
Spot soon recovered fully and went back home good as new to live a happy life further with her very loving family in Khayelitsha