Cindy finds her perfect mom and perfect home

Cindy, a Staffie cross, arrived at Mdzananda as an unwanted pet. She had an old leg injury giving her the cutest bent hind legs. Mdzananda has always had resident pets who live at the clinic and are part of the family. There has been Liquorice, Thandi, Ruby, Bones, AJ, Cutie and many more. Many lived their whole lives with us and passed away at the clinic. Some were lucky enough to be adopted after many years at Mdzananda. We reached a stage where we had no resident pets and we wanted to offer a home to a special new friend. Cindy arrived and we all fell in love. She joined the Mdzananda family and lived with us having full free roam of the clinic for around 6 months. But she was not happy. Being the only resident dog she did not have friends and she had severe separation anxiety over weekends when there were few staff members or when staff went home. We started looking for a forever home... but hardly anyone showed interest in her... With the help of volunteer Bianca Ford we tried a new avenue and got in touch with Oscar's Arc who had just launched the Woof Project - a dynamic mobile dog adoption initiative that is aimed at accelerating adoptions and saving the lives of dogs in Western Cape shelters. Their mobile container moves every weekend and serves as an adoption unit for selected pets from shelters across the Western Cape. Cindy was a lucky girl and was chosen to be a part of this initiative when the container was set up in Camps Bay.
Her forever mommy came along and adopted her. She now lives on the Atlantic Sea Board and enjoys long walks on the promenade. Thank you to Oscar's Arc for helping us find the home and person that Cindy was meant to be with.