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You are invited to the Blessing of the Animals

The St George's Cathedral invites you to their annual Blessing of the Animals service on the 8th of October 2017.

"As part of our annual celebration of the Feast of St Francis and in observance of World Animal Day, which both fall on a weekday (Wednesday 4th October), we will be starting our main morning service on Sunday 8th October with a Blessing of Animals in the Cathedral at 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. As was experienced last year, the symbolism of bringing the animals inside the church rather than having a separate service for them elsewhere at another time, is powerful.

We wish to invite you and your animals to the service. This year we also envisage having species that it would be inappropriate and impractical to have represented in person, as it were, represented by children dressed in animal costumes. You children in your family are very warmly welcome and we would encourage them to come representing an animal species that is close to their hearts!"

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