Running to raise Paw Members

On 2 December I will be running 65 km's in the 2017 Ultra Trail Cape Town.
My love for running in the mountains has led me on this venture. My other love is for animals. I am combining the two as there are so many animals who need our help! This brings me to my campaign to help raise funds for an organisation I care about - the Mdzananda Animal Clinic. Since I am running 65 km my goal is to "raise" 65 Paw Members. A Paw Member is someone who commits to making a monthly donation to Mdzananda. Recently Mdzananda's main funder has reduced their funding by 64% (1.4 million rand) and by 2020 the funder will withdraw fully taking with them a 2.2. million rand per year donation.
Mdzananda needs 3000 Paw Members to sign up, each donating R100 per month, to cover their deficit. It is easy to sign up! Simply email to get a debit order form. Fill in the form with your banking details and monthly donation and send it back. Mdzananda will upload the debit order. My goal is 65 people for the 65 km I will be running. I have signed up for the first 1km by donating R100 per month. My business, Popular Canvas, has signed up for the 2nd km by donating R100 per month. I hope you will join me in signing up! Aiden du Plessis