We're hiring but need your help

Due to the increased demand for our services and the ever increasing number of patients we need to hire extra hands - an extra Veterinarian and an Operations Manager (qualified Veterinarian). As you can imagine, having such professionals costs moola and this is where we need you. We need at least 500 new Paw Members, each donating R100 per month, to be able to hire these people and save more lives. These professionals will help to treat between 700-1000 pets per month, operate on injured animals, sterilise and nurse sick pets back to health and help with implementing our strategy of 'veterinary healthcare excellence'. Without our services around 300 000 Khayelitsha pets would have little to no access to veterinary care. They need us and now they need you. Please sign up as a Paw Member at www.mdzanandasecure.co.za or make a once-off donation towards hiring these professionals. Bank Details Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, Account: 075595710, Branch Code 025009, Reference: Vet + Your Name
SnapScan and other donation portals: https://www.mdzananda.co.za/donate-ctzx