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I cannot express how important this is...

We know you're busy and your time is valuable but can you give just two minutes to watch this video?

Khayelitsha pets are suffering under pandemic effects. Owners have lost their jobs. Many have no income. Despite this, they are still caring for their animals and they need our services more than ever. But Mdzananda has been hard hit too. We lost significant funding during lockdown and were robbed three times. The really scary part is the impact it’s had on our individuals donors. People have cancelled debit orders and many bounced due to difficult times. This income is our organisation’s blood flow. The community needs us but with the Coronavirus devastation on our donors we can’t do it without YOU. We need 1000 Paw Members each donating R100 per month to carry us through this difficult time. The pandemic is going to affect us long into the future.

Please sign up as a #PawMember at Already a Paw Member? Well you're just awesome! Help us by sharing and making it your mission to sign up one more.



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21297 Govan Mbeki Road Khayelitsha | 021 367 6001 | 068 385 9655

Opening hours: Mon, Wens, Fri - 8 am - 4 pm | Tues, Thurs 9 am - 4 pm | Sat 8 am - 12:30 noon 

Please note: our consultations rooms may close earlier on some days if there are long queues. This is for us to be able to serve everyone in the queue before closing time

After hour emergencies: SPCA 083 326 1604 / Cape Animal Medical Centre - 24 h Private Practice in Kenilworth (full private practice rates will be charged): 021 674 0034

Mdzananda's Privacy Policy

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