We do a lot for the animals, thanks to YOU.

At the Mdzananda Animal Clinic, we help animals in the following ways –
CONSULTATIONS – pets are examined and given primary health care HOSPITAL – pets needing long term care can stay with us for up to 3 months THEATRE – our theatre includes two operating rooms, orthopaedic equipment and an x-ray room STERILISATIONS – we sterilise up to 10 pets a day MOBILE CLINICS – we share education about pet care, and pets are vaccinated, dewormed and treated for parasites AMBULANCE – emergency collections from homes or accident sites HOMELESS SHELTER – strays are brought to us and sometimes people hand their pets to us if they can no longer care for them EDUCATION – share awareness about petcare with school children & pet owners
Thank you to all our AMAZING supporters and PAW Members and Steri-Suppawters who help to make this happen!
For info about being a PAW Member or Steri-Suppawter, please see our website – https://www.mdzananda.co.za/donate-ctzx